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3 +1 Exercise Tips For The Holiday Season

3 +1 Exercise Tips For The Holiday Season

Studies have shown that we gain an average of 0.5 kg in December alone. Prevention of the Christmas pile up is pretty easy and can be avoided in a few ingenious ways.  Here are 3 + 1 workout ideas that you can fit in without sacrificing fun. 


  1. Eat lunch while strolling

    It's easy to be sucked into the never-ending Christmas lunches with friends and coworkers. Lunch outdoors should be used to counteract the alcoholic feasts. Additionally, an hour of vigorous walking can help you hit the prescribed 10,000 steps per day and burn an astonishing 290 calories, making it just as effective for team building as another wine-filled supper.

  2. It’s never late to start HIIT exercise

    Try HIIT for a workout that you can easily fit in between all the celebrations (High Intensity Interval Training). Think of it as a mini workout with quick bursts of exercise. Just 7 to 10 minutes of HIIT can burn more calories than a lengthier workout, and it can easily be included into your morning or evening routine.

  3. Put exercise in your calendar

    Schedule your run or gym session in your diary as you would a social occasion, rather than establishing an ad hoc workout plan. Your likelihood of accomplishing your goals increases markedly when you put them in writing. You're also less likely to abandon your plans if you treat your workout with the same priority as a holiday celebration. You may even incorporate exercise into your social gatherings. Your buddies are probably also feeling the effects of inactivity, so suggest skipping supper in favor of a jog (a half-hour jog burns about 230 calories), a new class, or both.

  4. Visit the stores

    A pretty simple method to keep the steps going is to replace your holiday shopping done online with actual shopping. Walking about town and carrying bags of presents will help you burn roughly 150 calories an hour more than checking things off your Christmas list from your couch or bed. You can avoid the crowded parking lot by parking further away, which will also lengthen the walking trip.

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