Minimum Intervention, Maximum Effect®



Ultimate Makeover Protocol for a perfect, summer body

Summer and a slim figure go hand in hand! Less clothing, more appearances in a swimsuit, the desire to lose weight and to be more fit and toned, are common phenomena for both men and women.

To achieve your desired result, follow these tips:

  1. Drink a lot of water
  2. Avoid fried food
  3. Say no to sweets
  4. Limit your alcohol intake
  5. Go swimming to get your necessary exercise.

For something more drastic, with more immediate results in maintaining and changing your weight, SYMMETRIA recommends the Ultimate Makeover Protocol, which combines an intense laser lipolysis treatment and mild aerobic exercise, twice a week for 4 consecutive weeks. This is an intense protocol that lasts 30 days, suitable for both women and men, offering impressive results.

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