Minimum Intervention, Maximum Effect®



The top 5 minimally invasive treatments

In the endless pursuit of beauty and youth, modern cosmetic medicine becomes our ally, and studies on the mechanisms of how the skin functions presenting us with new methods and active ingredients. Minimally invasive treatments are constantly gaining ground, since they offer great solutions to those who want to achieve immediate results in improving their appearance, with shorter rehabilitation time, an immediate return to their normal activities and lower cost.

Among the 15.5 million cosmetic minimally-invasive procedures performed in 2016, the top 5 were:

1. Botulinum Toxin Type A (7 million procedures, up 4 percent from 2015)

2. Soft Tissue Fillers (2.6 million procedures, up 2 percent from 2015)

3. Chemical Peel (1.36 million procedures, up 4 percent since 2015)

4. Laser hair removal (1.1 million procedures, down 1 percent from 2015)

5. Microdermabrasion (775,000 procedures, down 3% from 2015)

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